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Hôm nay mình sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn xử lí code để sử dụng các đối tượng vật lí trong andengine.
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Dưới đây là video hướng dẫn (Like and share giúp mình để mọi người cùng chia sẻ kiến thức nhé(&^_^))

Untitled 1 Link Thư Viện: DOWNLOAD HERE
Untitled 1 Link Source : DOWNLOAD HERE
Code : Temp.class

package com.andengine.using.physical;

import static org.anddev.andengine.extension.physics.box2d.util.constants.PhysicsConstants.PIXEL_TO_METER_RATIO_DEFAULT;

import org.anddev.andengine.engine.Engine;
import org.anddev.andengine.engine.options.EngineOptions;
import org.anddev.andengine.engine.options.EngineOptions.ScreenOrientation;
import org.anddev.andengine.engine.options.resolutionpolicy.RatioResolutionPolicy;
import org.anddev.andengine.entity.primitive.Rectangle;
import org.anddev.andengine.entity.scene.Scene;
import org.anddev.andengine.entity.scene.background.ColorBackground;
import org.anddev.andengine.entity.shape.Shape;
import org.anddev.andengine.entity.sprite.AnimatedSprite;
import org.anddev.andengine.entity.util.FPSLogger;
import org.anddev.andengine.extension.physics.box2d.PhysicsConnector;
import org.anddev.andengine.extension.physics.box2d.PhysicsFactory;
import org.anddev.andengine.extension.physics.box2d.PhysicsWorld;
import org.anddev.andengine.extension.physics.box2d.util.Vector2Pool;
import org.anddev.andengine.opengl.texture.Texture;
import org.anddev.andengine.opengl.texture.TextureOptions;
import org.anddev.andengine.opengl.texture.region.TextureRegionFactory;
import org.anddev.andengine.opengl.texture.region.TiledTextureRegion;
import org.anddev.andengine.sensor.accelerometer.AccelerometerData;
import org.anddev.andengine.sensor.accelerometer.IAccelerometerListener;
import org.anddev.andengine.ui.activity.BaseGameActivity;

import android.hardware.SensorManager;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.Toast;

import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Body;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.BodyDef.BodyType;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.FixtureDef;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.PolygonShape;

 * @author pham tien phong
 * @since 18:47:08 - 02.04.2015
public class Temp extends BaseGameActivity implements IAccelerometerListener {
 // ===========================================================
 // Constants
 // ===========================================================

 private static int CAMERA_WIDTH = 0;
 private static int CAMERA_HEIGHT = 0;

 private static final FixtureDef FIXTURE_DEF = PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(1, 0.5f, 0.5f);

 // ===========================================================
 // Fields
 // ===========================================================

 private Texture mTexture;
 private TiledTextureRegion mFace;

 private PhysicsWorld mPhysicsWorld;

 // ===========================================================
 // Constructors
 // ===========================================================

 // ===========================================================
 // Getter & Setter
 // ===========================================================

 // ===========================================================
 // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces
 // ===========================================================

 protected void getScreen() {
  DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
  CAMERA_WIDTH = dm.widthPixels;
  CAMERA_HEIGHT = dm.heightPixels;

 public Engine onLoadEngine() {
  Toast.makeText(this, getTitle(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
  final Camera camera = new Camera(0, 0, CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT);
  final EngineOptions engineOptions = new EngineOptions(true, ScreenOrientation.LANDSCAPE, new RatioResolutionPolicy(CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT), camera);
  return new Engine(engineOptions);

 public void onLoadResources() {
  /* Textures. */
  this.mTexture = new Texture(64, 128, TextureOptions.BILINEAR_PREMULTIPLYALPHA);

  /* TextureRegions. */
  mFace = TextureRegionFactory.createTiledFromAsset(this.mTexture, this, "face_hexagon_tiled.png", 0, 96, 2, 1); // 64x32
  // đăng kí sự kiện thay đổi vị trí so với trọng lực của điện thoại

 public Scene onLoadScene() {
  this.mEngine.registerUpdateHandler(new FPSLogger());

  final Scene scene = new Scene(2);
  scene.setBackground(new ColorBackground(0, 0, 0));

  // trong lực : GRAVITY
  mPhysicsWorld = new PhysicsWorld(new Vector2(0, SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH), false);

  final Shape top = new Rectangle(0, CAMERA_HEIGHT - 2, CAMERA_WIDTH, 2);
  final Shape bottom = new Rectangle(0, 0, CAMERA_WIDTH, 2);
  final Shape left = new Rectangle(0, 0, 2, CAMERA_HEIGHT);
  final Shape right = new Rectangle(CAMERA_WIDTH - 2, 0, 2, CAMERA_HEIGHT);
  final Shape line = new Rectangle(CAMERA_WIDTH / 4, CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2, CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, 6);
  line.setColor(23, 0, 33);

  // PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(hightJump, ping, sự trơn trượt);
  // hightJump khi đối tượng chạm vào vật chắn : tăng khi a tăng
  // sự trợn trượt càng lớn khi a càng giảm (min=0) : đặt a= 2
  // ping (độ đàn hổi ) : a càng lớn đàn hồi càng mạnh : đặt a = 0.8f
  final FixtureDef wallFixtureDef = PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(0f, 0.8f, 0.5f);

  PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, top, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef);
  PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, bottom, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef);
  PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, left, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef);
  PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, right, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef);
  PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, line, BodyType.StaticBody, wallFixtureDef);



  return scene;

 public void onLoadComplete() {
  // when load completed scene , add a object to screen
  if (this.mPhysicsWorld != null) {
   addFace(CAMERA_WIDTH / 2, CAMERA_HEIGHT / 2);
   addFace(0, CAMERA_HEIGHT / 4);


 // hàm này để bắt sự kiện người dùng xoay điện thoại trên tay tính theo
 // hướng trọng lực hấp dẫn
 public void onAccelerometerChanged(final AccelerometerData pAccelerometerData) {
  final Vector2 gravity = Vector2Pool.obtain(pAccelerometerData.getY(), pAccelerometerData.getX());

 // ===========================================================
 // Methods
 // ===========================================================

 private void addFace(final float pX, final float pY) {
  final Scene scene = this.mEngine.getScene();

  final AnimatedSprite face;
  final Body body;
  face = new AnimatedSprite(pX, pY, mFace);
  // khởi tạo vật thể
  body = Temp.createHexagonBody(mPhysicsWorld, face, BodyType.DynamicBody, FIXTURE_DEF);
  // time change frame 0.2s
  // đăng kí sự kiện vật lí cho vật
  mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(face, body, true, true));

  * Creates a {@link Body} based on a {@link PolygonShape} in the form of a
  * hexagon:
  * <pre>
  *  /\
  * /  \
  * |  |
  * |  |
  * \  /
  *  \/
  * </pre>
 private static Body createHexagonBody(final PhysicsWorld pPhysicsWorld, final Shape pShape, final BodyType pBodyType, final FixtureDef pFixtureDef) {
   * Remember that the vertices are relative to the center-coordinates of
   * the Shape.
  final float halfWidth = pShape.getWidthScaled() * 0.5f / PIXEL_TO_METER_RATIO_DEFAULT;
  final float halfHeight = pShape.getHeightScaled() * 0.5f / PIXEL_TO_METER_RATIO_DEFAULT;

  Log.e("halfHeight = "+halfHeight, "halfWidth = "+halfWidth);
   * The top and bottom vertex of the hexagon are on the bottom and top of
   * hexagon-sprite.
  final float top = -halfHeight;
  final float bottom = halfHeight;

  final float centerX = 0;

   * The left and right vertices of the heaxgon are not on the edge of the
   * hexagon-sprite, so we need to inset them a little.
  final float left = -halfWidth + 2.5f / PIXEL_TO_METER_RATIO_DEFAULT;
  final float right = halfWidth - 2.5f / PIXEL_TO_METER_RATIO_DEFAULT;
  final float higher = top + 8.25f / PIXEL_TO_METER_RATIO_DEFAULT;
  final float lower = bottom - 8.25f / PIXEL_TO_METER_RATIO_DEFAULT;

  final Vector2[] vertices = { new Vector2(centerX, top), new Vector2(right, higher), new Vector2(right, lower), new Vector2(centerX, bottom), new Vector2(left, lower), new Vector2(left, higher) };

  return PhysicsFactory.createPolygonBody(pPhysicsWorld, pShape, vertices, pBodyType, pFixtureDef);


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